School closings, delayed opening, and early dismissal announcements will be communicated as soon as possible following a decision by the superintendent to close, delay, or dismiss schools early. Please do not call Pot Spring Elementary for this information. Announcements will be communicated through the following:
• BCPS news e-mail and text message alerts
• BCPS information hotline (443) 809-5555
• System-wide phone notification, as determined by the superintendent
• BCPS TV- Comcast Cable Channel 73 & Verizon Fios Channel 34
• Local radio and television stations
• If schools are closing for the day due to inclement weather, whenever
possible, decisions will be made no later than 5:30 a.m.
Pot Spring Elementary WILL NOT OPEN
• If schools have a delayed opening due to inclement weather, whenever
possible, decisions will be made no later than 5:30 a.m.
• Students shall report for classes in accordance with the delayed opening announcement:
ONE Hour Delay
Pot Spring Elementary will open at 10:10 a.m.
(doors open at 9:55 a.m.)
* Breakfast WILL NOT be served. We follow our normal lunch schedule
on these days beginning at 11:00 a.m. Please be sure that your child
eats breakfast before arriving to school. |
TWO Hour Delay
Pot Spring Elementary will open at 11:10 a.m.
(doors open at 10:55 a.m.)
* Morning Pre-K classes are cancelled.
* Breakfast WILL NOT be served. We follow our normal lunch schedule
on these days beginning at 11:00 a.m. Please be sure that your child
eats breakfast before arriving to school.
• The following programs and activities shall be cancelled: |
* All before-school child care programs
* All morning field trips
• If schools are dismissing early due to inclement weather, whenever possible, the announcement will be made no later than 10:00 a.m.
• Students shall be dismissed in accordance with the early dismissal announcement:
ONE Hour Early Dismissal
Pot Spring Elementary will dismiss at 2:40 p.m. |
* Afternoon Pre-K students will be dismissed with students in grades K-5
and will travel home on the same buses with these students.
* Lunches WILL be served.
TWO Hour Early Dismissal
Pot Spring Elementary will dismiss at 1:40 p.m.
* Afternoon Pre-K classes are cancelled.
* Morning Pre-K students will be dismissed with students in grades K-5
and will travel home on the same buses with these students. Pre-K
parents are allowed to pick-up their students at their regular 11:40 a.m.
dismissal time, if they desire.
* Every effort will be made to serve lunches to all students.
• The following programs and activities shall be cancelled: |
* All afternoon field trips, except as outlined
* All extended day learning programs
* All after-school child care programs
* All after-school activities and school-sponsored events
* All planned used of facilities by non-BCPS organizations
• If schools are dismissing early due to heat, whenever possible, the announcement will be made no later than 8:00 p.m. the evening prior to the closure.
• Students shall be dismissed in accordance with the early dismissal announcement.
*see above for times relating to Pot Spring Elementary
• The following programs and activities shall be cancelled in all schools, regardless of air conditioning status:
* All afternoon field trips, except as outlined
* All extended day learning programs
* All after-school child care programs
* All after-school activities and school-sponsored events
• In schools with air conditioning, all planned use of facilities by outside organizations may continue as scheduled.
information in accordance with BCPS Policies and Rule 6303